The National Authority on Tobacco & Alcohol (NATA) is pleased to announce the release of the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) 2020 report. Despite facing unforeseen challenges, this collaborative effort has successfully concluded, with the report officially published on 22 December 2023.  NATA worked in close partnership with key entities such as the Department of Census and Statistics, the World Health Organization, and the Centers for Disease Control, USA, to bring forth this comprehensive report.

Marking a significant milestone, this GATS survey is the first of its kind conducted in Sri Lanka. It provides a thorough examination of demographic factors related to tobacco users aged 15 and above, offering valuable insights into the tobacco landscape in the country. NATA is proud to present this report, which serves as a vital resource for understanding and addressing tobacco-related issues in Sri Lanka.




 Click here to view-GATS Report 2020

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